Wound Care Risk Factors and Symptoms

Risk Factors for Infection

Undoubtedly, it is crucial to know the facts. As a result, you can manage your wound care risks and symptoms properly. A wound is more likely to become infected if it:

• Generates from a hole (puncture), for instance as from a nail or piece of glass
• Results from a human or animal bite, in particular a cat.
• Isn’t cleaned or treated soon after occurring
• Occurs in your hand, foot, leg, armpit, or groin (the area where your belly meets your thighs)
• Contains dirt or saliva.
• Heals very slowly
• Occurs and at the same time you have diabetes, alcoholism, a weak immune system, or poor blood circulation

Symptoms of Infection

Follow these steps to help keep wounds from getting infected. As a result, we need to keep on top of wound care risk factors and symptoms to promote proper healing.

• Call your healthcare provider at the first sign of infection, for example: redness, warmth around the wound

• Edges look like they are opening

• Yellow, yellow-green, or foul-smelling drainage from a wound

• More pain, swelling, or redness in or near a wound

• A change in the color or size of a wound 

• Red streaks in the skin around the wound

• Fever

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