Better Living Now To Host First Suffolk Support Group For Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline HAUPPAUGE, NY. October 16, 2006 - The Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program has a home for its first Suffolk County support group, thanks to Better Living Now, operator of Long Island’s only full-service boutique serving the specialized fashion needs of breast cancer survivors. The support group launches during National Breast Cancer Survivor Month.Beginning October 26, the Better Living Now Boutique will offer its private showroom as a meeting place for the support group, from 1:00 pm-2:30 pm Thursdays for eight weeks. The boutique is centrally located at 500 Wheeler Road in Hauppauge, just seconds from the exit ramp of exit 56 of the Long Island Expressway.There is no charge to participate in the support group. Women with breast cancer are invited to register by calling Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW, at 516-877-4314.About Better Living Now
Better Living Now is the single source for prompt home delivery of quality healthcare supplies, durable medical equipment, pharmaceuticals and therapeutic compliance support for diabetes, asthma, mastectomy and other chronic healthcare needs. For more information, visit the company online at or call toll free 1-800-854-5729. For information about the Better Living Now Boutique or to schedule a private fitting, call (631) 348-0032 extension 127.About the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline The Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline was founded in 1980 to educate, support, empower and advocate for breast cancer patients, professionals and the community. It is the only comprehensive, university-based breast cancer counseling program in New York State that is staffed by certified social workers and offers diversified support groups, individual counseling, and family counseling. The Adelphi program also serves as a clearinghouse for breast cancer resources and organizations throughout New York State. For more information, log onto or call 800-877-8077.# # #Contact: Angie Cecil HLD/Blankman Public Relations (516) 536-6811 or (212) 896-3926