844-533-5858 Breast Pump Line: 877-290-5188
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Better Living Now specializes in helping your members with chronic conditions eligible for benefits under insured medical benefits programs.
Better Living Now provides a comprehensive approach to servicing your members healthcare product needs by integrating our medical supply programs with BOC Accreditation.
Better Living Now is a Rotech Healthcare Company that is a leading national provider of healthcare products. We have 300 locations and fulfillment centers nationwide, offering 1-2 day shipping. We provide managed care organizations, PPO’s, self-insured health funds, Medicare, Medicaid and other insurers a series of comprehensive programs to help contain the costs of care for a variety of conditions, including diabetes, urology, incontinence, ostomy, and breastfeeding. Just select the programs that meet your specific plan needs.
Simplifying Ordering Healthcare Products for your Members
We provide an array of healthcare products and services with trained, multi-lingual customer care coordinators. They can receive healthcare product requests via phone, fax, mail, email, or online, and offer fast and efficient delivery methods.
Customer Support
We offer extended customer service hours. “First Call” clients are provided with customized “private label” service, which includes their own dedicated 800 phone and fax numbers.